Episode 008 – February 19, 2018
This week on the ASC Podcast with John Goehle we welcome Jenna Alvarez, RN as a co-host. John and Jenna discuss the latest news from the Joint Commission, news from the American Society of Diagnostic Interventional Nephrology conference in Salt Lake City and opportunities for ASCs to add vascular access services. Our focus section this week will be about the role of the administrator in the ASC and our question of the week is about what to do while you are waiting for your deemed status survey.
Episode 007 – February 12, 2018
This week the ASC Podcast with John Goehle makes it national debut. John and Judie talk about this weeks latest news, fire drills and fire training and tackles a listener question about the new Medicare Quality Reporting requirements.
Episode 006 – February 5, 2018
This week John and Judie talk about Quality Improvement and infection control and QAPI meetings.
Episode 005 – January 29, 2018
This week John discusses the subject of Credentialing in an ASC.
Episode 004 – January 22, 2018
This weeks episode focuses on infection control.
Episode 003 – January 15, 2018
This week John Goehle and Judie D’Ambrosio talk about the ASCA 2018 Winter Seminars, HIPAA and Hospital Discharge Summaries
Episode 002 – January 8, 2018
This week we discuss the latest news about door testing, the ASCA 2018 Winter Seminars, Governing Body agendas and minutes and External Benchmarking.
Episode 001 – January 1, 2018
This week John Goehle talks about the new podcasts and discusses timeouts and ACLS and PALS requirements