May 29, 2020, 11:00 am
Good Morning,
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 28, 2020, 11:18 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Answer: Ideally intubation should occur with a minimal number of personnel at head of the bed utilizing properly fitted surgical N95 respirators, which have not been reprocessed, eye protection, gowns and gloves. If the surgical team remains in the OR with the necessary PPE, they should distance themselves from head of bed during intubation. Once patient is intubated and stabilized, surgical antisepsis, draping and procedure could begin without waiting for full air exchange. However, no one should enter or leave the OR during this initial timeframe.
AORN Guideline for Transmission-Based Precautions. In: Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Denver, CO: AORN, Inc.
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 26, 2020, 11:12 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Presented by: Coding Compliance Management, LLC and the ASC Podcast with John Goehle
June 11 and 12th 2020
ASC Administrators, Nurse Managers and Business Office Managers face unique challenges in managing the financial aspects of an ASC and understanding the crucial role coding experts play. Our experts will discuss various aspects of Finance, Accounting and Reimbursement in the ASC setting. It is ideal for anyone interested in understanding basic finance principles as well as those that know finance but want to learn how it differs in the ASC setting.
Our experts will also review the ASC reimbursement model to include an overview of fraud and abuse prevention, coding, documentation, outsourcing, and compliance audits in the ASC setting as well as the impact coding accuracy has on your organization’s financial health.
Continuing Education
The recording is available to AHS retainer clients. Please contact your AHS contact if you would like a link to the recording.
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program to the recoding and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. To purchase access, visit:
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 22, 2020, 11:12 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Presented by: Coding Compliance Management, LLC and the ASC Podcast with John Goehle
June 11 and 12th 2020
ASC Administrators, Nurse Managers and Business Office Managers face unique challenges in managing the financial aspects of an ASC and understanding the crucial role coding experts play. Our experts will discuss various aspects of Finance, Accounting and Reimbursement in the ASC setting. It is ideal for anyone interested in understanding basic finance principles as well as those that know finance but want to learn how it differs in the ASC setting.
Our experts will also review the ASC reimbursement model to include an overview of fraud and abuse prevention, coding, documentation, outsourcing, and compliance audits in the ASC setting as well as the impact coding accuracy has on your organization’s financial health.
Continuing Education
The recording is available to AHS retainer clients. Please contact your AHS contact if you would like a link to the recording.
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program to the recoding and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. To purchase access, visit:
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 21, 2020, 11:54 am
Good Morning Everyone!
As a reminder, the attestation deadline for healthcare providers that wish to keep the grants the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) began distributing April 10 was extended from 30 to 45 days. Sign the attestation via the attestation portal on the Provider Relief Fund page. For providers that received payment on April 10, for example, the deadline was extended from May 9 to May 24.This grant fund is part of the $100 billion in relief included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 that was signed by President Trump on March 27, 2020. As a reminder, these are payments, not loans, to healthcare providers, and will not need to be repaid. Within 45 days of receiving the payment, providers must sign the attestation confirming receipt of the funds and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of payment. If a provider receives payment and does not wish to comply with the Terms and Conditions, the provider must contact HHS within 45 days of receipt of payment and remit the full payment to HHS.For additional information or to check on the status of your grant, please visit the Provider Relief Fund page or call the CARES Provider Relief line at 866.569.3522.
Presented by: Coding Compliance Management, LLC and the ASC Podcast with John Goehle
June 11 and 12th 2020
ASC Administrators, Nurse Managers and Business Office Managers face unique challenges in managing the financial aspects of an ASC and understanding the crucial role coding experts play. Our experts will discuss various aspects of Finance, Accounting and Reimbursement in the ASC setting. It is ideal for anyone interested in understanding basic finance principles as well as those that know finance but want to learn how it differs in the ASC setting.
Our experts will also review the ASC reimbursement model to include an overview of fraud and abuse prevention, coding, documentation, outsourcing, and compliance audits in the ASC setting as well as the impact coding accuracy has on your organization’s financial health.
Continuing Education
The recording is available to AHS retainer clients. Please contact your AHS contact if you would like a link to the recording.
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program to the recoding and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. To purchase access, visit:
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 19, 2020, 11:35 am
Good Morning Everyone!
- ASC, OBS, and DTCs are all included
- Must be in eligible county
- Patients must be tested 3 days prior to the surgery or procedure according to the guidelines provided and have negative results.
- There are preparedness and screening as well as Infection Prevention and Control requirements. There are requirements here that will still keep you from resuming normal operations/caseload.
- Adequate PPE means a 7–day supply on hand and the ability of the practices supply chain to maintain that level.
- “ASCs, OBSs, and DTCs located in counties that are not deemed eligible, and are performing these essential, non-elective and urgent procedures should also adhere to this Guidance.” – We will be seeking clarification of this guidance.
Time: May 19, 2020 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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- Businesses with a PPP loan under $2m are eligible for forgiveness without showing proof of financial hardship
- Businesses longer have to prove that COVID-19 had a negative impact on your business
- the assumption is any small business has suffered in some way.
- This does not negate other requirements of the PPP program such as tracking how much money went to qualifying expenses like payroll and rent.
- Partnerships and seasonal employers can go back for more money
- There is new guidance on increasing PPP loan amounts for small businesses that are structured as partnerships or classified as seasonal employers.
- if a partnership received a PPP loan “that did not include any compensation for its partners,” then “the lender may submit a request to increase the PPP loan amount to include appropriate partner compensation.”
- There’s still money left in the PPP program
- According to the article, There’s about $120B in PPP money left.
- Businesses should still feel encouraged to take advantage of the funding.
- Still waiting for guidance regarding reporting
Here is a Forbes Article that gives additional details.
The recording is available to AHS retainer clients. Please contact your AHS contact if you would like a link to the recording.
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program to the recording and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. To purchase access, visit:
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 18, 2020, 11:33 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
NYS Elective Surgery Update
Reminder, even though the Governor has stated in a press release that Ambulatory Surgery Centers may resume elected procedures in certain counties, ASCs should not resume elective procedures until we have an executive order from the Governor and a directive from the Commissioner of Health. We are expecting to hear more information soon, hopefully today. As soon as we hear anything we will send it along. Beginning elective surgery without the guidance and without signing the expected attestation may subject your organization to significant legal and regulatory risk.
Upcoming Education Opportunities
Infection Control In-Service to Meet the Challenges of COVID-19
Laurie Roderiques will be presenting focused training related to COVID-19 infection control precautions. This includes hand hygiene, environmental cleaning specific to frequently touched surfaces, PPE use, reprocessing and HLD considerations, social distancing, and considerations in specific clinical settings (ie. Preop/PACU/OR/Procedure Room).
May 20, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (or when Laurie and John stop talking!).
This training is provided free to all Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies Retainer Clients. For access, contact your AHS Coordinator. A recording will be available to AHS clients following the presentation.
You may register here if you are not an AHS client. The recording will be available following the Live In-service.
Center Specific Education via Zoom Sessions
If you want something done specific to your center’s plans, policies, and protocols please contact your AHS Coordinator and arrangements will be made.
2020 Annual Mandatory Education Program Presentation
The recording of the Mandatory Education Program is now available. Ambulatory Surgery Centers are required by CMS, State Licensure and Accreditation Organizations to provide annual training to staff on a variety of topics. This module provides the training that is not specific to an individual center. This training must be supplemented by facility specific training.
The recording is available to AHS retainer clients. Please contact your AHS contact if you would like a link to the recording.
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program to the recoding and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. To purchase access, visit:
Live Podcast this Afternoon
We will have a live Episode of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle today, May 18th, 2020 at 3:00 PM.
Here is a link to the live episode on Podbean:
Link for Youtube Live Listeners:
As always, please feel free to risk out to us if you need anything!!
John J. Goehle, MBA, CASC™, CPA
Chief Operating Officer
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 13, 2020, 11:32 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all doing well!
Upcoming Education Opportunities
Tomorrow’s Mandatory Education Program Presentation
Judie D’Ambrosio will be presenting the general education section of the mandatory education program. Ambulatory Surgery Centers are required by CMS, State Licensure and Accreditation Organizations to provide annual training to staff on a variety of topics. This module provides the training that is not specific to an individual center. This training must be supplemented by facility specific training. For a full list of items to be covered click here.
May 14, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
This training is provided free to all Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies Retainer Clients. For access, contact your AHS Coordinator.
You may register here if you are not an AHS client.
Live Attendees on May 14, 2020 will also receive a link after the day of the training to provide training to your staff for all of 2020. A recording will be available to AHS clients following the presentation
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program after the session is recorded and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. Return here after May 14, 2020 to purchase access to the recording
Infection Control In-Service to Meet the Challenges of COVID-19
Laurie Roderiques will be presenting focused training related to COVID-19 infection control precautions. This includes hand hygiene, environmental cleaning specific to frequently touched surfaces, PPE use, reprocessing and HLD considerations, social distancing, and considerations in specific clinical settings (ie. Preop/PACU/OR/Procedure Room).
May 20, 2020 Starting at 9am and going until approximately 3pm (or when Laurie and John stop talking).
This training is provided free to all Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies Retainer Clients. For access, contact your AHS Coordinator. A recording will be available to AHS clients following the presentation.
You may register here if you are not an AHS client. The recording will be available following the Live In-service.
Center Specific Education via Zoom Sessions
If you want something done specific to your center’s plans, policies, and protocols please contact your AHS Coordinator and arrangements will be made.
NYS Elective Surgery Update
We are expecting to hear more information soon, hopefully today. As soon as we hear anything we will send it along.
Stay Safe!
John J. Goehle, MBA, CASC™, CPA
Chief Operating Officer
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 11, 2020, 11:34 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Happy Monday! Hope you are all doing well!
Fit Testing Portability
“Fit testing can be done by your employer or an outside party, including a union, an apprenticeship program, a contractor’s association, or a past employer. Your current employer is permitted to accept fit testing you have received from an outside party (such as a former employer) within the last 12 months, as long as you use the same respirator make, model, style, and size at your new worksite. This is known as fit testing portability.”
KN95 Discussion – Follow up
On May 7, 2020, the FDA reissued the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Non-NIOSH-Approved Disposable Filtering Facepiece Respirators Manufactured in China to revise one of the eligibility criteria – the criterion for authorization of respirators based on review of test reports from recognized independent test laboratories submitted to the FDA by the manufacturer or importer – and accordingly removed from Appendix A the respirators that had been authorized under that criterion, regardless of whether they passed or failed the NIOSH testing.1 The FDA is taking this public health action because a number of these respirators failed to demonstrate a minimum particulate filtration efficiency of 95 percent in testing conducted at NIOSH. See the full notice here.
In addition, NPPTL has completed International Assessments for multiple versions of the N95s according to the CDC. These assessments are not a part of the NIOSH respirator approval process and will in no way lead to or preclude NIOSH approval through the official approval process. No conclusions can be made regarding equivalency to N95 products that are NIOSH approved. Most of these products have an ear loop design. NIOSH-approved N95s typically have headbands. Furthermore, limited assessment of ear loop designs, indicate difficulty achieving a proper fit. While filter efficiency shows how well the filter media performs, users must ensure a proper fit is achieved. See the full document here.
As you can see below, KN95s use ear loops rather than headbands. As we have said before, AHS does not recommend KN95s as replacements for N95s. Per OSHA, you are responsible to provide your staff with the proper PPE to protect them. These documents suggest that they would not be effective as alternatives to N95s. We cannot direct you to use products that have not been FDA approved, this is an internal decision directed by your governing board.
Upcoming Education Opportunities
May 14 Mandatory Education Program Presentation
Judie D’Ambrosio will be presenting the general education section of the mandatory education program. Ambulatory Surgery Centers are required by CMS, State Licensure and Accreditation Organizations to provide annual training to staff on a variety of topics. This module provides the training that is not specific to an individual center. This training must be supplemented by facility specific training. For a full list of items to be covered click here.
May 14, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
This training is provided free to all Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies Retainer Clients. For access, contact your AHS Coordinator.
You may register here if you are not an AHS client.
Live Attendees on May 14, 2020 will also receive a link after the day of the training to provide training to your staff for all of 2020. A recording will be available to AHS clients following the presentation
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program after the session is recorded and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. Return here after May 14, 2020 to purchase access to the recording
Pandemic Focused Infection Control Training
Laurie Roderiques will be presenting focused training related to COVID-19 infection control precautions. This includes hand hygiene, environmental cleaning specific to frequently touched surfaces, PPE use, reprocessing and HLD considerations, and considerations in specific clinical settings (ie. Preop/PACU/OR/Procedure Room).A recording will be available to AHS clients following the presentation.
Date and Time are TBD, but it will most likely be ready in the next couple weeks.
Center Specific Education via Zoom Sessions
If you want something done specific to your center’s plans, policies, and protocols please contact your AHS Coordinator and arrangements will be made.
Testing of Patients for COVID-19
Right now, there is no guidance for ASCs on whether or not to test Patients prior to surgery (for NYS). We expect guidance to be released soon in a similar manner as it was for the hospitals. We would recommend that you test patients prior to surgery with an FDA approved test as the hospitals are required to do as supplies allow.
This is what the hospitals are required to conform with:
“Hospitals must test all patients receiving outpatient elective surgeries and non-urgent procedures for COVID-19 and patients must test negative for COVID-19 using a molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA prior to any such surgery or procedure. The test must be administered no more than 3 days prior to the surgery or procedure.”
NYSAASC Group Mask Purchasing
See the email below from Jon VanValkenburg of NYSAASC:
“NYSAASC Members,
As mentioned on Daily Update calls over the past several days, we are looking into possibly aggregating PPE needs of our members for a bulk order to increase availability and/or reduce cost. I don’t know what pricing will be at this point because I don’t know what the volume of such an order would be. I am thinking mostly n95 masks, but if there are other needs you have, please include them.
If you are interested in doing this, please email me back and let me know the following ([email protected]):
How many units (individual pieces) of the following items would you be interested in ordering?
N95 Masks
Surgical Masks
Earloop Masks
Surgical (sterile) gowns
Other non-sterile gowns
Anything else
Please respond at your earliest convenience so I can get an idea of the size of the order. I am not sure of what the logistics for payment and delivery would be since this would be a single bulk order… I guess we might need to develop NYSAASC Distribution Services!”
Stay Safe!
John J. Goehle, MBA, CASC™, CPA
Chief Operating Officer
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 8, 2020, 11:07 am
Good Morning Everyone!
Live Attendees on May 14, 2020 will also receive a link after the day of the training to provide training to your staff for all of 2020.
Non-AHS clients can purchase access to this program after the session is recorded and use it to train all of their staff for a year. You will only need to purchase access once to use for any number of staff members. Return here after May 14, 2020 to purchase access to the recording
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 7, 2020, 11:12 am
Good Morning Everyone!
The NPDB is temporarily waiving query fees (both one-time query and continuous query) to support our users’ efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More Here.
As a reminder, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced exceptions and extensions for its quality reporting programs, including the ASC Quality Reporting (ASCQR) Program. CMS is granting an exception to ASCs for data collection and submission requirements for CY 2019 data that relate to CY 2021 payment determinations. This exception applies to all data submitted via the QualityNet Secure Portal for the May 15, 2020, deadline. You can still voluntarily report if you would like, but you will not be penalized for failing to do so. For ASCQR Program claims-based measures during the encounter period January 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020, claims will not be included in calculations.
CMS recommends that you always maintain active Security Administrator (SA) accounts for at least two people in your facility. By having your SAs log in periodically, you can ensure you do not have to start the registration process over for data submission next year.
Presented by: Coding Compliance Management, LLC and the ASC Podcast with John GoehleJune 11 and 12th 2020
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 5, 2020, 11:48 am
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 4, 2020, 12:04 pm
Good morning Everyone,
Presented by:
Coding Compliance Management, LLC and the ASC Podcast with John Goehle
June 11 and 12th 2020
Ambulatory Surgery Center Administrators, Nurse Managers and Business Office Managers face unique challenges in managing the financial aspects of an ASC. Join us for this intensive, two-day virtual conference to discuss all aspects of Finance, Accounting and Reimbursement in the ASC setting sponsored by Coding Compliance Management, LLC and the ASC Podcast with John Goehle. This conference is ideal for anyone interested in understanding basic finance principles as well as those that know finance but want to learn more how it differs in the ASC setting. The conference also will provide an understanding of reimbursement and coding in the ASC setting. We are applying for AEUs for CASC Certified Administrators and CEUs for Physician Practice Managers, Coding, and Billing professionals certified through AAPC.
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392
May 1, 2020, 12:22 pm
- Types of procedures being done
- Ability and Reliability of Testing Patients
- Supply/availability of PPE
- Prevalence of COVID-19 in your area
- Availability of Fit Testing
- Other protections in place
Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies, LLC
Rochester: 585-594-1167
Albany: 518-594-1167
Fax: 585-391-1402
Publications: 858-633-6392